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All About BullBrain & My 'Secret Sauce' of Investing

Ever since I’ve first tested the (muddy) waters of the financial markets I was playing with the idea to create a place where I can share the everyday shenanigans of investing. You know, tossing around ideas, honestly sharing some good calls or epic fails, debunking bullshit while also finding time for some random rants and whatnot.

I couldn’t really find the time for that in my 249-hour work week (no, not a typo), plus, I often tend to be a black-belt overthinker, but I’ve decided to just get to it and see how this works out.

Before we get to the beef and discuss what BullBrain is all about, I would like to clarify what it is definitely not about.

It’s not about some get-rich-quick bullsh*t, nor trying to sell you a ‘winning strategy’ on how to beat the markets, simply because these kind of things are like Mickey Mouse… they doesn’t exist. Neither do I plan to be yet another “5 stocks to watch this week” type-of-noise because frankly, even a group of blind-folded apes can come up with stock picks that outperform the ‘experts’. No, this isn’t a joke, it was actually a real-life experiment.

Lastly, you won’t hear things from me like “only invest what you can afford to lose” or “buy low sell high” and all the other clichés because that’s not investment wisdom, that’s common sense.

Now that we clarified what BullBrain isn’t about, let’s get to what it is actually meant be.

As I said about 5 paragraphs ago, it still didn’t crystallize in me exactly. From this point I will just throw in all the random thoughts on this as they come and see if any of these stick.

First of all, BullBrain and especially the blog is meant to be a place for lighthearted scribblings about all things investment, and also a summary of my investment principles and general approach when it comes to finding my way around the markets, with a few ‘guidelines’ that helped me staying on the right track, both in terms of my mindset as well as in my returns.

I intentionally use the word ‘guidelines’. My long-term profits so far came as a result of making more good decisions than bad ones, not because of sticking to some sort of ‘rules’ or ‘strategies’, plus, I am horrible at following rules anyway. Except those that make sense, like ‘I never make important decisions before my first coffee’.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying rules are bad, of course not. Discipline is crazy important. The point I am trying to make is that there are different investment styles and I happen to be one of those who are not forcing themselves into self-inflicted rules like ‘I never short’ or other nonsense.

Instead, in the last decade or so I've been approaching investing like cooking. There are golden rules that I can't break but besides that, I am continously experimenting with bringing new ingredients and techniques into my 'cookbook' of making profits, and this takes us to:

My 'Secret Sauce' of Investing

Again, as said above, just like with cooking, there are rules that I wouldn't break, or if I tried, the result would likely be catastrophic.

Truth is, the principles of successful investing have been laid down decades (centuries) ago by people much smarter than me, so when I say ‘secret sauce’ what I truly mean is my humble and curious approach combined with the rock-solid, tried-and-tested methods of making money on the markets.

And yet, being a secret sauce is the best way to describe it, because on the one hand, it has all the key ingredients everyone is familiar with, but it also has a few little twists that makes it unique and distinguished, and thankfully, profitable.

These 'twists include, but are not limited to:

  • Searching for opportunities where others don't look

  • Investing in unpopular yet solid businesses

  • Investing in companies that indirectly profit from trends (e.g. lithium mining vs EV companies)

  • Not being carried away by market hype

  • Avoiding overpriced sectors

  • Managing funds and portfolio allocations

  • Using 'soft fundamentals' and sentiment analysis

  • Not being emotionally attached to my investments and decisions

I regularly explain and discuss all the above in detail on eToro, so if you care to learn more about these then (here comes the shameless self-promo) come over to eToro and let's learn together.

I repeat, I am not claiming that I onto some kind of 'sure way' to make money on the stock market, what I am saying is that my analyses and conclusion usually work and generate profit on the long run.

Actually, let's get to the juicy stuff... How much profit are we talking about? Let's just cut the BS and talk some actual numbers. The below screenshot has been taken this morning (26/02/2021)

The above numbers are percentages of profit/loss. Self-appraisal isn't really my cup of tea, but I am proud for being able to deliver results over 200% last year. Also, what I'd point out is the numbers in last March/April and this May.

Last March was the month when the entire market crashed into an ocean of red due to the pandemic and yet, I have been riding the waves at 89% and 42% for the two most difficult months.

Also, as a last piece of visual guidance, below is my performance VS the S&P 500 in 2020.

Alright, that's enough of me. Let's talk about you.

As I said at the beginning, my primary intention with BullBrain is to create a place for like-minded folks where I can share my insights so you hopefully don't end up making the exact same mistakes as I did during the early days of my investment journey.

Make no mistake, investing is a tough nut to break and anyone else who says otherwise are either lying, putting on too much make-up or, has an interest in making you to believe that investing is easy.

Either way, if you have got this far then I really appricate your time, and I hope I'll see you around going forward. And, if you decide to join eToro and copy my trades then... happy days! I can't promise the same stellar results but you can rest assured that I am working hard on deliverning some nice juice profits for all of us and insightful scribblings along the way. Somehow like this:



What are your thoughts on this topic? Disagree with my assessment? Have some insight worth sharing? Jump over to eToro and let's start a discussion.

Or, if you are new to investing but want to benefit from copying the trades of experienced investors, then definitely check out eToro's Copytrader feature and give it a try if you like what you see.

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